
Coffee Forest Hill

Coffee Chase Forest Hill     Coffee Chase Forest Hill When you enter a coffee house, you have a multitude of drink choices like latte, cappuccino, straight shot and caff? mocha just to name a few. Found its way across the Red Sea to Arabia and what is present day Yemen. Arabs embraced coffee and for almost a thousand years were the sole producers and exporters of the highly sought-after product. Today Ethiopian coffee is specialty coffee and favorite among connoisseurs around the world. It is known for its smooth body, delicate acidity and delightful flavor. For those unfamiliar with this kind of coffee, espresso is simply coffee made by extracting hot water through coffee grounds and then using that liquid to brew the coffee. The process creates a much more intense drink with a lot more flavor and caffeine than other forms of coffee. A variety of methods can be used, but the best results are often achieved with the use of a pressurized espresso maker. These are a r...